Monday, June 27, 2011

Add This To Your Queue

I pretty much get my weekly drinking quota knocked out between Tuesday and Thursday nights, so the weekend is when I try to just chill out and watch some Netflix through my Xbox 360. I remember reading a good review of this film Night Catches Us in Rolling Stone last year, but it never hit theaters anywhere near me so I was really happy when Netflix recommended this film and it was available for streaming. It is a dramatic period piece surrounding The Black Panther movement, set in Philadelphia, starring Kerry Washington and Anthony Mackie, with a score done by The Roots. After reading the last sentence I typed, I guess I should not be surprised that more people don't know about this this film. Anyway, unless Madea Goes To Jail is one of your favorite movies you should enjoy this.

1 comment:

  1. I'mma have to check this out...I've been watching that X-Men animated series non-stop...time to see some substance.
