Destro from G.I. Joe: I know he is supposed to be a Scottish arms dealer but if you did not read the comics and only watched the TV show, you know Destro was black all day long. Not only did he dress like a pimp. He had the only female member of Cobra in check for most of the series. The Baroness understood that a pimps love is much different from a squares love, and the rest of the Cobra organization was full of squares. He also lived by one of legendary west coast pimp Rosebud's biggest rules for pimping success which is, if you want to be respected in the game you must stay deep with white hoes. Note: I made a mistake, it was pointed out to me that I mispelled Rosebudd's name. It is actually spelled with two d's for a double dose of this pimpin'.
Blaster from The Transformers: Transformers was my show. I am still a Tranformers fan to this day. I remember saving up 17 bucks so I could buy this toy back in the day. The thing is Blaster did not get his name because he was good at blasting the Decepticons, but because he transformed into a giant orange portable stereo. For those of you who did not grow up in the 80's these radios were affectionately referred to by many as a ghetto blasters. There was actually an episode during season 2 where he pissed off all of the Autobots by playing his music too loud. He was voiced by Buster Jones, the same guy who voiced Black Vulcan.
Panthro from The Thundercats: I can't front, Panthro was the man. He was the best fighter among the the Thundercats and he was their engineer. On top of all that he had a nose like KRS-One just in case suckas on 3rd Earth tried to get it confused. The whole time I watched Thundercats as a kid I never put it together that Panthro's voice was provided by Earle Hyman a.k.a. Grandpa Huxtable from The Cosby Show.
Black Manta from The Superfriends: I know he wore a mask whenever he was on screen but under the wet suit was a very angry brother from Baltimore who hated white people because of how they treated black people on land. He wanted to create a strong black nation under the sea, and bitch ass Aquaman was the only person standing is his way. For obvious reasons they never went to deep into Black Manta's criminal motivation on the show. He had been fighting Aquaman for almost 10 years before he even revealed he was black. That said his first comic book appearance was 1967, so it was probably a good idea to keep that under wraps.
The pimp's name was actually Rosebudd. Two d's for a double dose of the pimpin'. You left out Jazz of the Autobots who was voiced by Scatman Crothers...and named JAZZ. Other than that? Solid...
Leave to J.Moore to call it how it is. It's not always pretty but it is the truth. www.oldsoulent.com
ReplyDeleteShout out to Powerman but he was only manifested in comic form eh? Great read although I expect that #SBOP
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