Friday, January 21, 2011

Blaster Vs. Soundwave

I am a huge Transformers nerd. Much to my delight I found out several years ago that after the TV show was canceled in America, it ran for 3 more seasons in Japan. The only season I could get into was Headmasters because it tries to mimic the animation style and story telling of the American show, the other 2 are are plain damn weird.

Anyway since the show was written and produced in Japan they had no problem killing off characters(toys) to make way for new characters(toys), in fact they Kill Optimus Prime again in this series after only 4 episodes making bitch ass Rodimus Prime the leader again. Galvatron also curses a lot for some reason. I guess having robots yell "shit" 3 or 4 times during a cartoon is not that big of a deal for a children's show in the land of the rising sun.

This is just a really cool duel to the death between Broadcast(Blaster) & Soundwave. Don't worry they both get resurrected later in the series. This clip is actually better than the entire Revenge Of The Fallen movie.

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